Project News

Main Line Steam Builders Group holds Second Meeting

Six high-profile steam project groups with the common objective of delivering their respective locomotives fit for UK main line running have held a successful second meeting at CTL Seal Ltd in Sheffield.

All of the founder members attended :

Members Monthly Bulletin September 2022


Over recent weeks management work on the planning and arrangement of important next steps for the chassis reassembly at West Shed has been unavoidably restricted by staff availability and unscheduled operations for 6233. However a West Shed team meeting this week agreed a set of actions, including progressing detailed arrangements for component testing with Boro Foundry and for wheelset assembly at South Devon Railway Engineering.  Arrangements for dragbox and rear cylinder cover replacement were also approved. 

Members Monthly Bulletin - July 2022


At the first board meeting of the new financial year on 30 July a summary of our Quarter 1 results for 2022/2023 along with the accounts for 2021/22 was presented to the board for approval.

Prior to that, a meeting was held with our accountants at their offices in Stafford to receive their verdict:

‘The total income for the year showed a reduction from that in 2020/2021.  However, the charity has fared very well through the pandemic and is emerging in a healthy cash position. Now looking forward to external events coming back online and to utilising the cash reserves to progress work on the engine.’



Seven driving wheels have now been cast at William Cooks. (The order includes two for Royal Scot). Casting the last wheel in the order has been delayed to next week to allow us to witness and record the process. Proof machining and testing of the wheels is planned for July.

Planning for the tyre and axle supply and wheelset assembly is complete.

Our preparation for the testing of chassis components (in the absence of original documentation) is being completed this week. We have been able to arrange for a competent volunteer to carry out hardness testing at West Shed before MPI testing is carried out at Boro Foundry.


Members Monthly Bulletin April 2022


William Cook Cast Products have completed preparatory work on the driving wheel pattern. This work was carried out free of charge after contract discussions. Completion of the casting work is still expected by the end of June. The original wheelsets have now been returned to PRCLT at West Shed for salvaging re-usable components.

The reassembly of the chassis remains on hold as we need more time to complete our assessment of the quality checks needed on existing chassis components. People availability in April has been a challenge. However our certification body Ricardo has provided valuable input and an inspection is being planned. We are also working with key suppliers on this issue.



The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber