Submitted by Colin Hall on 10 January, 2022 - 10:06
After a thorough technical investigation with the active cooperation of Boro Foundry, we have jointly concluded that the driving wheels cannot be repaired to the standard required. Settlement terms have been agreed constructively with Boro Foundry, who are no longer equipped to cast this type of product. Discussions are now in progress with William Cook Cast Products on the procurement of new wheels. The original wheel pattern has been secured for collection from Tyesley Locomotive Works for this purpose.
Submitted by Colin Hall on 10 December, 2021 - 20:38
2021 AGM
On November 13th we held our first AGM since 2019 in the Kidderminster Railway Museum. There was a full house to conclude the AGM formalities and then receive our presentation on the way forward for the project – dubbed Project Reset.
Warrior Magazine
Issue 51 started landing on doormats from Monday 6th December. There is a full write-up of the AGM and Project Reset presentation; and as this is the nearest magazine to Remembrance Day we bring you two very interesting articles about Remembrance and the efforts that were made to make sure that those who never returned home were and are not forgotten.
Submitted by Colin Hall on 10 November, 2021 - 13:34
PRCLT completed the overhaul of 6233 towards the end of October, allowing resources to be re-allocated to 5551 work. Before that, significant further progress was made in October with component removal from the frames, in preparation for refitting to the standard required.
Leaky Finders have fitted spring links to the tender frames and trial fitted the springs: the frames have now been sprayed and the horn blocks and spring link brackets top-coated. HBSS are continuing making the boiler slide studs.
For those who couldn't attend the AGM we have reproduced the presentation in The Warrior, however because of space constraints we could not reproduce the tables at a size where they are easily legible. With this in mind we have uploaded a pdf of the presentation so that you can see the amount of work that goes into the areas of Budgeting, Project Control, Risk Management, etc. and that a system is now in place to inform exactly where the build stands. These will be updated on a regular basis.
Submitted by Colin Hall on 12 October, 2021 - 17:00
Resource for progress at West Shed continues to be restricted by the overhaul of 6233. This was intended to be complete by the end of September, but is now expected in mid-October.
Work on 5551 in the month has concentrated on the successful removal of various components from the frames (such as the inside cylinder and motion bracket), in preparation for refitting to the standard required.