Project News

5551 'The Unknown Warrior' Moves Inside Tyseley Loco Works

The LMS-Patriot Project is delighted to announce that another step forwards towards the completion of 5551 'The Unknown Warrior' took place on the 17th July, when the frames were moved inside the workshops at Tyseley Loco Works.

5551 inside TLW
Photo by Keith Riches.

May - June 2024

Engineering Progress

All being well we expect the movement of our chassis inside the Tyseley main workshop to happen on Monday 8th July.

Further regular volunteer sessions have taken place in June and July at Tyseley.  These concentrated on cleaning, polishing and some painting of a range of parts including various housings, expansion links, brake hanger brackets, motion components and tender axles. We have been allocated plenty of space in the new carriage shed for this purpose.

More expressions of interest have been received recently about volunteering at Tyseley, which is most encouraging.

Members' Monthly Bulletin - January 2024

Here is our project news for January 2024.

The transition to Tyseley

The emphasis in January was on organising the transfer to Tyseley of our many components stored in containers at West Shed. A site meeting back at West Shed on 8th January inspected the contents and agreed a methodology for sorting and transferring components that cannot be simply transported in the containers without risk. An extended team of volunteers has been assembled for this special task. Our original plan to complete the move in late January had to be deferred to February because of temporary vehicular access restrictions at Tyseley (outside the control of TLW Ltd.).  

A new era dawns for The Unknown Warrior as it moves to Tyseley

The LMS-Patriot Project took an important step forward in early December with its transfer of the The Unknown Warrior locomotive chassis to its new assembly base at Tyseley Locomotive Works, Birmingham.

Members Monthly Bulletin August 2023

This Bulletin is an update on developments since The Warrior magazine went to press in mid- August.


There has been no further work at West Shed since July. Further drawings have been produced to allow off-site work to continue at Riley and Son.

 On-site meetings have now been arranged in the first week of October with two parties Tyseley Locomotive Works and CTL Seal Sheffield who have expressed interest in providing a new construction base for 5551.

 Meanwhile a first discussion took place in late August with PRCLT on the way forward - the dialogue will continue after their AGM in September.



The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2024 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber