Project News

Members Monthly Bulletin - November 2020

At West Shed, work has continued since the latest Covid-19 lockdown. Good progress has been made on the lubrication system; and the time-consuming machining of small but important components such as the valve chest drains has been completed . We have finally completed the transfer of various components from Crewe Heritage Centre, selling our container there to CHC and delivering a second one for West Shed.

2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the repatriation and burial of The Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey

The grave of the Unknown Warrior lies at the west end of the Nave of Westminster Abbey in London. It symbolises all those who died during the Great War whose body or grave  could not be identified and may be from any of the three services, Army, Navy or Air Force, and from any part of the British Isles, Dominions or Colonies and represents all those who died who have no other memorial or known grave. The face of the Unknown Warrior will rightly never be known. He represents the son of every mother, the husband of every wife, the brother of every sister. A permanent memorial for all those who fell during the Great War of 1914-1918.

Members' Monthly Bulletin - October 2020

Engineering: At West Shed, work continues on the lubrication system and on various brasswork and fittings such as valve chest drains and tail rod bushes, and others. More components – the reverser shaft and the cylinder covers – have been returned to West Shed.

Progress update video October 2020

With thanks to Kevin West, Gavin Shell, Joanne Baddock and Arthur Sikes
for their help in producing this video update

Members' Monthly Bulletin - September 2020


West Shed activity has picked up since the return to work in August. The team has been busy on detailed tasks: making valve crossheads and tail rod bushes, adapters, machining cylinder drain cocks and pipe fittings such as oil pots, and work on the lubrication system.. 

We made two significant decisions at our monthly engineering team meeting at West Shed on October 1st (the reason this bulletin is a little later than usual).  


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