Members' Monthly Bulletin - September 2020


West Shed activity has picked up since the return to work in August. The team has been busy on detailed tasks: making valve crossheads and tail rod bushes, adapters, machining cylinder drain cocks and pipe fittings such as oil pots, and work on the lubrication system.. 

We made two significant decisions at our monthly engineering team meeting at West Shed on October 1st (the reason this bulletin is a little later than usual).  

First, we decided to address the unsatisfactory driving wheel weld repairs identified as an issue by our independent assurance body. These repairs were carried out nine years ago when the driving wheels were first supplied: they were assessed on 4th September this year by a suitably qualified welding inspector.  The remedial work will require the wheels to be pressed off the axles for repair. 

Second, we decided to modify the locomotive bogie to conform to the standard Patriot bogie design. (Our existing bogie is a ‘hybrid’ design to accommodate the LMS 8F components obtained originally by the project.)

In both cases we are in the process of confirming the cost involved and how the work will be contracted. While the costs will be significant, the common factor is the need to deliver design and quality solutions with all the necessary supporting documentation. Over the past 6 months we have made considerable efforts to obtain for the existing components the kind of supporting documentation required by present assurance standards, but without success. 

We made our decisions in full consultation with PRCLT. Establishing the way forward with these key components will be a big help with future work sequencing. 

Expect to read more about this work in the next edition of The Warrior. 

October 31st Members' meeting 

In light of the continuing COVID-19 restrictions, the Board has concluded that it would not be practicable this year to hold a conventional AGM as in the past. (Our constitution does not require us to hold a formal AGM.) 

The Board is, though, anxious to ensure that Members have an opportunity to hear about the current state of play and to be able to raise their questions with the Project team.  We think that the best way to achieve this is to hold an open forum, using Zoom, on 31 October from 10.30am until 12.30pm.  Full details of how you can arrange to participate will be distributed to all members by mid-October. This will also refer to a video of the latest build activity.


Web and postal sales have done very well since the last Warrior went out, calendars and face masks both proving popular. Please do visit our on-line shop and have a browse

We’re grateful for a number of donated model locos which have been posted on an internet sales site and which are selling steadily.

 This year’s Annual Prize Draw has been somewhat truncated by the ongoing national situation. If you intend to buy or sell any tickets please remember that the draw will take place at the forum on 31 October, so all stubs should be returned before Tuesday 27th. A big thank you to those who have already done so - we’ve had a good response so far.

If you hadn't noticed the ad in The Warrior, or seen it on our website, we now have our fund-raising 2021 calendar available to purchase (£10 + £2 p&p).  This year we feature quality paintings of Patriot, Duchess and Princess class locomotives from the country's top railway artists – order your copy now by calling 07801 945689 or online at

 Thank you to all those who have joined the 5551 Club, which has got off to a steady start (see below). If you haven't yet joined please consider donating to this initiative for a chance of winning a ticket on the first train hauled by 5551. For those of you who already have a ticket for the first train, don’t worry - we won’t leave you out. You can still enter and have a chance to get a second ticket so that your partner or a friend can join you. Or if you just want to donate £55.51 to help the Project, then please do! Your donation will help us complete vital work on the motion. See 


Whilst engineering invoices only trickle in at present, our bank balance continues to rise slowly. It is encouraging to see this bolstered by several large donations and part sponsorships in the last month and most boiler loan interest payments continue to be converted to donations. Although it is not new money as such, gift aid in appropriate cases is, and we will be claiming more than £500 for September on these conversions. We also received a grant of £5,000 from Stafford Borough Council to cover certain expenses during lockdown. Sterling work by our Company Secretary secured this. We have also raised almost £2,000 so far with our 5551 Club.

However, now that the team at West Shed are ramping up work on the chassis our Treasurer expects the trickle to gather pace over the coming months – Please keep up your financial support.


The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber