Project News

Statement regarding the Royal British Legion and the LMS-Patriot Project

The following statement was read out at the LMS-Patriot Company AGM on 11th November

Our relationship with the Royal British Legion

In 2009, Richard Sant (Company Secretary) and Andrew Laws (Marketing and Publicity Director) had a meeting with the then Royal British Legion Director of Corporate Communications, Stuart Gendall.  He told them that the Legion could not support the Project financially, but endorsed our aims and said that we could use the Legion crest.

We took him at his word and promoted the Project accordingly, including the use of the crest.

We wrote to the Legion earlier this year in order to reaffirm our relationship with them in light of the potential for our involvement in their Armistice Centenary events next year.

Christmas Cards now available in our web shop.

Looking for something different to send your friends this Christmas? We have three exclusive designed Christmas cards for sale in our web shop. Just click on the 'Unknown Warrior Giftware' tab. You can purchase them in multiples of three.

Also why not buy one of our fabulous 2018 Memorial Calendars. Each month features a stunning painting of a Patriot class loco and information on a different railway memorial.

There is a selection of products bearing our new look logo too, so if you are looking for that extra special gift for a friend or loved one, scroll through our products for some great ideas.

Raising the pressure!

You will all be aware we received a setback when LNWR Heritage decided to end all sub-contract work meaning they would not be completing the construction of the boiler for The Unknown Warrior. At present we are working hard to find a new supplier but cannot say exactly when this will be, but it is likely be known in the next couple of months, therefore we need to ensure we have the funds available when the construction restarts. For that reason, we are launching our Raising the Pressure! appeal for funds dedicated to the completion of the boiler.

2016 Project Review and Message from the Chairman

Last year I wrote an end of year update and thought it would be a good idea if I repeated the exercise and demonstrated progress both from an engineering and fund raising perspective so far this year.

LMS Crimson Lake Livery to be Carried First by 'The Unknown Warrior'

The first livery to be carried by new build 'Patriot', 'The Unknown Warrior', was announced at the 8th Annual General Meeting of the LMS-Patriot Company on 12th November. We are delighted to announce that this will be LMS Crimson Lake.

The livery was chosen by Members of the Project who were each entitled to one vote. The total number of votes for Crimson Lake was 378 - a clear and decisive margin of 248 votes to second place BR express passenger Green which received 130 votes. LMS lined black received 99 votes and BR lined black received 67 votes.


The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber