Roll of Honour

Many people are involved in the creation of the 'The Unknown Warrior' and without them, the Project would not have progressed as far as it has. This Roll of Honour gratefully acknowledges the following.

Note - We have improved the structure of this list and split it over two pages due to the number of sponsors. Some individuals names are repeated in both lists

They sponsored the following locomotive parts



P N Ackley Plain axle
  Horn guides (4)
  Cylinder cover patterns (2)
  Cylinder cover front casting (1)
  Cylinder liner castings (2)
  Copper stays (2)
  Large boiler tube (1), steel stays (2), rivets (2), bolt (1)
J Acres Crown stays (2)
K Adams 2 lengths of copper pipe
P Adams Steel stays (2), Copper stay (1)
  Crown stays (2)
P Akrill Copper stay (1), steel stays (2), small boiler tube (1)
J Albiston Steel stays (3)
D W Alder (Mrs) Rivets (290)
D Anderson  Royal British Legion Crests
D Ansell Crown stay (1)
  Rivets (5)
A Ashman Copper stay (1)
C Baalham Copper pipe
  Crown stays (5)
J Baguley 9 metres of copper pipe
D Bailey Crown stay (1)
R Ball Crossbeam bridle (1)
D L Bamford Completion & assembly of 3 piston rods, rings and castings
  Machining of 3 pistons and rods
  Left & right side crosshead with gudgeon pin & bracket for union link
  Six-feed atomiser plus valves and adaptors
  Main steam pipe
M Bannister Hornguide (1)
I Barber Steel stays (5)
  Length of copper lubrication pipe (2)
R Barrowdale Brake gear fittings (2)
G Bartlett Small tube (1) copper stay (1)
  Copper stay (1)
  Crown stay (1)
  3 metres of copper pipe
  Steel stays (3)
  Lubrication pipe clip (1)
T A Beavon Copper stays (5)
C Beech Crown stay (1)
  Internal pipework supports
D G Belcher Tender chassis rivet (1)
J A Bennett Spring hanger (1)
  Bogie centre pin casting
  4 lengths of copper pipe
  Copper stays (7), rivets (12)
  Crown stays (4)
  Crank pin (1)
  Transverse stay (1)
  Snifting valve (1)
  Brake gear fitting
G Bentley Piston (1)
  Piston (1)
  Crown stays (4)
  Tender rear buffer beam - material
  Reverser wheel casting
  Internal pipe run (1)
  Palm stays
J G Bentley Crown stays (2)
M Benton Steel stays (3)
D Berry Small boiler tubes (3)
  Crown stays (2)
P Berry - In Memory of  
     Staff Sgt Robert 'Bob' Simpson Small boiler tubes (2)
M T Bibby Tender chassis rivets (3)
L & J Bickerton Copper stay (1) rivet (1)
E P Billups Small boiler tube (1)
C Bleeker Copper stay (1)
B Bloore Sandboxes (3)
  Poly pattern for cylinder rear cover
  Valve cover rear pattern
  Crown stays (10)
  Tender chassis rivets (10)
  Crown stays (5)
R H G Bonar Small boiler tubes (2)
P H Boot Bogie frame plate and pattern for
  spring hangers and spring hanger
T Bounds Copper stay (1), steel stays (3)
  Tender chassis rivets (5)
L S J Bowcutt Small boiler tubes (14) steel stay (1) bolts (3)
I J Bowland Small boiler tube (1)
K A B Bradley Small boiler tubes (3)
D Bradshaw Steel stays (5), copper stay (1)
R Braithwaite Small boiler tubes (5) crank pin (1)
  Valve cover front casing (1)
  1 length of copper pipe, steel stays (2)
  Longitudinal stay (1)
  6 metres of copper pipe
  Palm stay casting
  Crown stay (1)
  Brake gear fitting
A M Bridge Valve cover casting rear (1)
  Copper stays (2)
  1 length of copper pipe
Bromborough Paints Paint for frames
J Brooks Front valve cover pattern & casting (1)
  4 lengths of copper pipe
  Transverse stays (2), Palm stay casting (1), and
  palm stay machining (1)
  Crown stays (20)
  Transverse stays (2)
  Brake gear fittings (5)
  Tender chassis rivets (20)
  Copper stays (30)
  Cylinder Fitted bolts (5)
  Rivets (50)
R G Brooks Crown stays (2)
A A Brown Left hand lubricator body
  Crown stay (1)
  Steel stays (5)
  Crown stay (1)
  Brake crossbeam (1), Copper stays (15)
C M Brown Shrink tyres to wheels and fit Gibson rings x 2
  Valve cover front pattern
D J Brown Crossbeam bridle (1)
I Brown Crown stay (1)
M Brown Copper stay (1), steel stays (2)
M Brown & family Brake gear fitting (1)
D Brudenell £95 oil boxes (2)
P T Bryant Tender axlebox repair (1)
  Rivets (400)
  Machine brake hangers (2)
  Tender axlebox repair (1)
  Crank pin (1)
  Spring hanger pins (8)
  Copper Tubes (5)
C Buckley Rivets (4)
  Rivets (20)
  Rivets (5)
D J Burditt Steel stays (3)
  Crown stay (1)
  Steel stays (4)
  Small boiler tubes (2)
  Steel stays (3)
M Burrows Small boiler tubes (3)
D H Butler Copper stays (114)
  Steel stays (50)
  Crown stays (7)
  Transverse stays (4)
T Butler M/C brake hanger
J Buxton Nameplates
A Byrne 4 lengths of copper pipe
D Cain & A Smith Steel stays (5)
J G Capey Small tubes (4)
C Cartwright Copper stays (2) steel stays (10)
R A H Casling Outside steam pipe casting
  Palm stay (1), rivets (7)
  Crown stays (4)
  Palm stay castings (2)
  Crown stays (4)
  Fitted bolts for cylinders (3)
  Driving wheel splasher (1)
  Tender chassis rivets (8)
  Tender chassis rivets (4)
M Causton Horn guide (1)
R G H Chapman Palm stay (1), steel stays (17), bolts (4)
  Copper stays (10), steel stays (10)
  Copper stays (4), steel stays (2)
  Rivet (1)
  Copper stay (1)
  Crown stay (7)
  Brake gear fittings (3)
  Fitted bolts for cylinders (2)
G Charrot Copper stays (5)
A B Charlwood Large boiler tube (1)
  Valve rear cover casting
  Non return valve
  Reverser shaft trunion castings (2)
  Crown stays (2)
  Internal pipe run (1)
  Driving wheel splasher (1)
W Chester Copper stay (1) steel stay (1) small tube (1)
K Chestney Copper and steel stays
J R Clark Rivets (10)
  Rivets (10)
  Rivets (2)
K Clayton Copper stay (1)
T Clowes Steel stays
  Valve liner casting
  Cylinder cover front casting
  Valve cover rear casing (1)
  Copper and steel stays
  Outside steam pipe casting (1)
  Palm stay casting (1)
N S Clucas Tender chassis rivets (4)
A Cluley Fitted bolt for cylinder (1)
C Cockroft Driving wheel hornguide (1)
G A Cockroft Crown stay (1)
  Steel stays (10)
  Small boiler tubes (3)
  Copper stays(6)
  Rivets (2)
  Steel stays (12)
  Rivets (4)
  Crown stays (2)
  Steel stays (10)
  Lubrication system pipe clips (4)
P Coggins Small boiler tube (1)
A Collingwood Brake gear fitting
A Colinson Valve crosshead bracket casting
AA Collins Copper stays (5)
  Crown stays (10)
D Collins Smoke deflectors (2)
S A & G E Collins Rivets (4)
N & S Collinson Casting of 2 new crests
B Colthorpe 30 metres of copper pipe
S P Cook Cylinder liner casting
  Coupled axle spring
  Tyre (1)
  Rear cylinder cover casting
D Corker Crown stays (2)
J N (Nick) Cotton Pattern for spring hangers
  £95 oil box (1)
  Valve rod bush nut (2)
  Lubrication system pipe clip (14)
  Copper stay (1)
  Rivets (5)
J Courtney Crown stays (2)
R F Cowd 3 metres of copper pipe
  Rivets (4)
  Rivets (2)
  3 metres of copper pipe
  Lubriction system pipe clip (1)
N Cox Crown stays (5)
D J Cudlip Small tube (1) rivets (3)
  Copper stays (2), rivets (2)
  Steel boiler stays (7)
P N Cunliffe Steel stays (2)
R Dalton Bogie axle
  Bogie equalising beams (4)
J M Davenport Rivets
  Crown stay (1)
P Davies Copper stays (5)
J Dawson - Drain cock (1)
    in memory of Andy Dawson Fitted bolt (1)
E Deering Copper stay (1)
J M Dench Rivets (15)
  Copper boiler stays (8)
  Machine brake hanger
  £50 oil boxes (2)
  Crown stay (2)
  Internal pipework run
  Steel stays (4)
  1 length of copper pipe
  Slide bar (1), bogie frame stay (1)
  Steel stays (4)
  Reverser shaft trunnion bearing (1)
  Spring hanger pin (1)
  Brake gear fitting (1)
  Tender chassis rivets (5)
  Lubrication pipe clip (1)
  Fitted bolt for cylinders (1)
R Dickinson - in memory of Right hand front step & Horn guide pattern
      C A Dickson Crown stay (1)
Digitrains Limited Transverse stay (1)
J H Dixon Coupled axle spring (1)
  Valve Rod Bush (1)
  Slidebar (1)
  Coupled axle spring (1)
  Fitted bolts (5)
J W Dixon Crank pin (1)
W J Dixon Bolts (2)
  Large boiler tube (1) small boiler tubes (6)
  Copper stays (50)
  1 sandbox neck and tender axle box repair
  Plain axle (1)
  Palm stay machining and casting
  Safety valve
K Dolan Crown stays (2)
J S Donnelly Steel stays (2)
  Steel stays (6)
  Steel stays (4)
P J Duncan Crank pins (2)
  Non return valve
  Fitted bolt for cylinder (1)
T Dye Crown stay (1)
G F Dyer Crown stay (1)
  Copper stays (5)
  Copper stay (1)
  Rivets (22)
R Dyett Left hand lubricator lid and body
S G Egbeare Copper stay (2) and rivets
  Steel stays (4)
D T Eldridge Machine bogie axle, rivets (2)
D Ellerton Steel stays (4)
PD Elson Horn guide for driving wheels (1)
  Palm stay casting(1)
J Evans Spring hanger casting (1)
  Copper stays (2)
  Bogie axlebox pattern
  Rivets (12)
  Rivets (30)
  Fitted bolt for cylinders (1)
L M Evans Reverser shaft trunion bearing
M G Evans (Maj. Ret RAOC) Spring hanger casting (1)
  Loco horn guide pattern (1)
N C Ewart 1 internal pipe run
H Excell - in memory of Spring hanger casting (1)
     P S Excell Brake gear fitting
  Steel rivets (30), tender chassis rivets (8)
  Cylinder fitted bolt (1)
  Rivets (10)
  Rivets (20)
  Tender chassis rivets (8)
  Rivets (10)
D Faulkner Rivets
C R Fenn Large boiler tube (1)
R A Field Crown stays (10)
D Ford Machining palm stay
J A Forrester Copper stay (1)
D J Foster Rivets (5)
D J Foster  
In memory of B W Foster £50 oil boxes (2)
K Fox Steel stay (1)
Foresters Friendly Society  Crown stays (2)
              (1839 - Tunstall)  
C Y French (Miss) Valve liner casing 
  Small tubes (6)
  Copper stays (5) steel stays (14)
  Brake gear fittings (7)
  Spring hanger casting (1), rivets (20)
  Non return valves (2), £50 oil boxes (2)
  Slidebars (3)
  Transverse stays (2), expansion link
  Steel stays (40)
  Longitudinal stay (1), Crown stays (2)
  Bogie wheel tyres (2)
  Slide bar (1)
  12 Ton Box Van
  Tender chassis rivets (12)
C Gardner (Miss) Machine brake hanger
F N Gardner Copper stays (5)
R W Gardner Stays (2) rivets (2)
JA Gartside Coupled axle spring (1)
M Geeson Small tube (1)
S Geeson Small tube (1)
L A Gibbs (Mrs) Copper boiler stay (1)
  Copper stay (1)
  Steel stays (2)
  Copper stay (1)
J P Gill Coupled axle spring (1)
  Frame Stretcher 2 Pattern (1)
D Gledhill Piston valve rods (3), safety valve (1)
W E Goodwin Small boiler tube (1)
M Gordon Valve cover rear pattern
  Cylinder fitted bolts (2)
T Gower Brake gear fitting (1)
A Graham Left hand lubricator lid
A Gray Steel stay (1)
D Gray Steel stay (1|)
F Gray Steel stay (1)
L Gray Steel stay (1)
S Gray Steel stay (1)
B K Greally Reverser shaft trunion bearing
  Crown stays (5)
J Greenwood Cylinder fitted bolt (1)
P Gregory Oil box and rivet
K Gronlund Steel stays (4), rivets (4), bolts (22)
B Grundy Small boiler tube (1)
L Hackshall (Miss) Small boiler tube
R Hackshall Spring hanger casting (1)
  Steel boiler stay (1)
  Rivets (4)
C M Hake Foundation ring (part of)
D Hall Oil box
D R Hall Fitted bolt for cylinders (1)
  Rivets (10)
P Hall Steel stays (3), copper stay (1)
D I Halsey Small boiler tubes (3)
  Spring hanger casting
  Horn guide for driving wheel
  Spring hanger pin (1)
  Crown stays (2)
C Hancox Bogie axlebox casting
D Hancox Front buffer beam
N E Hathaway Small boiler tube (1)
  Copper stay (1)
G Hayward Rivets (25)
M Heathcote Copper pipe and steel stays
P Hellawell Hornguide pattern
R Hellawell Valve liner casing
G Henshaw Cylinder liner casting
K M Hepworth (Mrs) Steel stays (2), rivet (1), bolt (1)
C Hewitt Tender axle box castings (6)
C H Hewitt Valve crosshead bracket
T Hewitt Crank axle web
J D Higham Crown stays (2)
  Crown stays (2)
  Crown stays (2)
  Fitted bolt for cylinder (1)
  Crown stays (3)
  Crown stays (4)
  Lubrication system pipe clips (10)
  Tender chassis rivets (10)
  Reverser shaft trunnion casting (1)
J E Hines Rivets (11)
G S Homer Steel stays (4)
B Hudson - in memory of Valve crosshead bracket
     M Hudson Copper stays (3), rivets (2)
  Slidebar (1)
N & A Hueting £95 oil boxes (3)
  £50 oil box (1)
  Transverse stay (1)
D G Hughes Second hand J type regulator pipe & one tender
  axlebox repair
  Spring hanger casting (1), Copper stays (3)
  2 internal pipe runs (boiler)
  Copper stay (1)
  Bogie check spring stay (1)
I Hunter Cab pressure gauge
  Steel stays (40)
  Steel stays (20)
D Hurley Steel stay (1)
J Hutchison Small boiler tube (1)
  3 metres of copper pipe
A Inckle (Dr)  Cylinder cover front casting, copper stay (1)
A & S Inckle Gibson ring (1)
S & P G Ison Crown stays (5)
  £50 oil boxes (4)
A R Jackson Copper stays (2)
  Copper stays (5)
B P Jackson Valve end cover (1)
D A Jackson 2 lengths of copper pipe
F Jackson Driver's seat (part of)
  Fireman's seat (part of)
J Jackson Wheel (1)
D W F James Internal pipe run (1)
  Crown stays (2)
  9 metres of copper pipe.
  Copper stays (5)
  Sandbox lid 
  Rear valve cover pattern
  Valve cover rear patterns (2)
  £95 oil boxes (2), rivets (2)
  Rear valve cover pattern
  Crown stays (2)
  Fitted bolt for cylinders (1)
  Palm stay casting (1)
  Crown stays (2)
S Jarnell Rivets (4)
  Rivets (4)
  Rivets (4)
G Jeffery Steel stays (3)
P Jeffries Steel stays (3)
H John Boiler bolts (20) rivets (20)
J S Johnson Piston Pattern (1)
R I Johnstone Crown stays (23)
  Fitted bolts for cylinder (10)
  Brake gear fittings (6)
  Driving wheel splasher fitting (1)
  Copper pipe, 4 lengths
A C Jones Copper stay (1)
D Kennedy & friends Rivets (7), £50 RTP
  Small boiler tube (1) rivets (5)
  Copper stay (1) small boiler tube (1) rivets (2)
  Copper stays (3), steel stay (1), bolts (3)
A J Killoran Small boiler tube (1)
A A King Live steam injectors (2)
N & K Kinsey Driving wheel horn guide (1)
  Cab pressure guage
J Kraushaar Steel stays (4)
J Kyte Cylinder fitted bolt (1)
M Kyte Cylinder fitted bolts (2)
R Kyte Cylinder fitted bolt (1)
L Langley (Miss) Oil boxes (2)
  Reverser wheel pattern
  Rivets (40)
G Lawrence Driving wheel horn guides (2)
  Copper stay (1)
T Lawrence Reverser shaft trunion casting (1)
G Leadbeater Leaf spring for bogie
D Lilley Copper stay (1)
J D Lilley Steel stay (1)
  Copper stays (52)
S Lindsay Large boiler tube (1)
  Steel stays (60)
G H Loach (MBE) Copper stays (2)
D Lovett Small boiler tube (1)
  Copper boiler stay (1)
  Copper pipe
D Lowe Cylinder fitted bolts (2)
  2 lengths of copper pipe
J G Lowe 2 x 3 metre copper pipe lengths
  Cylinder fitted bolt (1)
  Tender chassis rivets (4)
  Crown stays (2)
L R Lusby Crown stay (1)
D Manley Large boiler tubes (4)
  J pipe
  Valve cover front pattern (1)
  Valve cover rear pattern (1)
H C Manning Tender chassis rivet (1)
D W  Mark Lubrication components
  Fusible plugs (2)
A J Marshall Crown stay (1)
  Copper stays (5)
T J Marsland Steel stays (3)
J Marson Steel stays (4)
G Massey Inside crosshead bracket casting
  Fitted bolts for cylinders (6)
  Driving wheel splasher fittings (2)
  Brake gear fittings (4)
E W R Mather Steel stays (5)
  Copper stay (1)
  Steel stays (3)
  1 length of copper pipe
B Mathews Palm stay pattern
  Crown stay casting (1), stretcher casting (1)
R Mathews Copper stays (3)
A Mawer Bogie check spring stay (1)
T Maynard Bolt (1)
  Cylinder fitted bolts (2)
  3 x 3 metres of copper pipe
S D McAuliff Copper stay (1)
  Rivest (2) Bolts (2)
B Meadows Rivets (4)
H Medcalf Sandbox neck
P A Moody Piston (1), copper stays (4)
A E Moore Injectors complete with overflow valves (2)
  Palm stay pattern
C D Moore Rivets (6)
D Moore Machining palm stays
  Spring hanger pins (6)
  Fitted bolts for cylinders (2)
  10 rivets
  Reverser shaft trunnion casting (1)
D Morris Rivets (10)
  Crown stay (1)
  Crown stay (1)
  Rivets (10)
R S Morris Steel stays (50)
  Bogie leaf spring
  Refurbishment of locomotive buffers (2)
  Brake hanger (1)
  Cylinder valve liner casing
  Crossbeam - brake gear (1), steel stays (6)
  Pull rods - brake gear (4)
E W Morton Rivets (8)
  Rivets (23)
L J Moss Small boiler tubes (2)
  Copper stays (2)
  Valve cover rear pattern (1)
  Brake gear mounting stud (1)
L J Mountjoy Crossbeam bridle
E Muckley Copper stays (5)
  Tender chassis rivets (2)
D Mulholland Rear buffer beam
  Tender restoration
N Mundy Small boiler tube (1)
  Palm stay castings (2)
N Mussett (MBE) Copper stays (5)
  Steel stays (15)
  Crown stays (2)
J Muxworthy Small boiler tube (1)
D Nash Driving wheel axle box (1)
  Loco axle box casting (1)
  Small boiler tubes (2)
W Naylor Steel stay (1)
A D Neale £95 oil box (1), rivet (1)
G Neaum Steel stays (2)
C Nice Copper stays
R Nichols Copper stay (1)
M Nield Steel stays (4)
R Noakes Crown stay(1)
M R North Crown stays (8), rivets (10)
  Rivets (20)
  Copper stays (5)
  Copper stays (7)
E R Nourse Deceased (in memory of) Copper pipe (15 meters) and 2 pipe clips
D Nugent Eccentric half (1)
  Valve and covers (2), 9 metres of copper pipe
  Internal pipe runs (2)
  Snifting valves (2)
  Crown stays (2)
  Brake gear fittings (6)
  Tender chassis rivets (8)
Nuneaton Railway Circle Left hand cylinder cladding sheet
   In memory of Trevor Burdett Left hand front step
D Nunney Steel stays (2)
R O'Connor Dragbox
R Oldham Large boiler tube (1)
  Steel stays (7)
  Copper boiler stays (3)
P J Orgill Coil springs (2) sandbox lids (3)
  small boiler tubes (2) spring hanger
  pins (4)
  Drain cock Brackets (2)
  Valve cover front casting (1)
  Loco hornguide pattern (1)
  Steel stays (54)
  Bogie axlebox pattern / tender
  Rivets (150)
  Crown stays (6)
  Tender chassis rivets (28)
  5 lengths of copper pipe
  Reverser shaft trunnion bearing (1)
  Rivets (34)
  Fitted bolts for cylinders (6)
  Axle box casting (1)
  Copper stays (10)
  Rivets (51)
R Oswald Small boiler tube (1)
G Pack - in memory of Steel stays (4)
      D Palfreyman Spring hanger casting
M Parker 3 metres of copper pipe
R T Parkes Copper stays (2), steel stay (1)
G J Partridge Small boiler tube (1)
J W Pauline Fitted bolt for cylinder (1)
H Pead Spring hanger
G R Pearson Small boiler tube
J Pedder Small boiler tubes (3)
A Percy Large boiler tube (1)
  Left hand lubricator body, copper stay (1)


Small boiler tubes (2)

A Percy In Memory of David Kenneth Percy

Fitted Bolt for Cylinder (1)

C J Perkins Steel stays (10)
  Crown stays (4)
R E Pettit Rear cylinder cover patterns (2)
D J Phillips Bogie frame plate
J N Pickavance Driving Wheel Splasher
D Pickersgill Sandbox neck
N D Pittman Large boiler tube (1)
L J Platt Rivets (40)
D Plevey Crown stays (2)
  Tender rivets (2)
D & R Plevey 2 x 3 metres of copper pipe
D & R Plevey in memory of Colin Tender chassis rivets (2)
D,R, N, A Plevey Large boiler tube (1), copper stays (10)
M A Poole Crown stays (4)
I Povall Steel stays (10), copper stay (1)
  Eccentric (1), copper stays (3)
S J Pratt Piston (1)
A S Price Outside cylinder castings (2) and
  cylinder cover
J Randall Valve cover
  Cylinder pattern cover
D Reader Copper stay (1), rivet (1)
J & K Rees Bogie axlebox castings (2)
A L Reid Copper stays (8)
  Crown stays (3)
  Internal pipe run
  Crown stays (2), tender rivet (fitted) (1)
  Driving wheel splasher fitting (1)
P Reid Rivets (30)
J R Rider Small boiler tubes (3)
  1 length of copper pipe
  Crown stay (1)
  Fitted bolt for cylinder (1)
On behalf of L Wright Copper stay (1), steel stays (3)
Re - Col. L Wright Crown stay (1)
In Memory of Edward Butcher, Royal Marines WWII Tender chassis rivet (1)
In Memory of Capt Sir Tom Moore, Duke of Wellington's Regiment Lubrication system pipe clip (1)
In Memory of Sgt Major Percy Asquith, The Argyles Bolts (20)
In Memory of Ken Moseley RASC WWII Bolts (20)
       In Memory of Lt.Col. Peter H.G. Morgan RASC WWII 1920-2003 Copper stays (2)
       In Memory of  Capt Michael Mousley  Chindits WW11 Lubrication pipe clip (1)
       In Memory of C.P.O. David G Browning R.N. Rivets (10)
       In Memory of Arthur Shepherd 17.12.24 to 01.03.2024 1 length of copper pipe
A T Ridge Copper stays (4), rivets (2)
  Steel stays (3)
R C Riley Valve liner casing
A Roberts Steel stays (50)
H O Roberts Transverse stays (2)
  Small boiler tube (1)
  Bogie wheel Gibson ring (1)
G Robinson Crown stays (6)
M Rotheram Large boiler tubes (5)
D Rowe Steel stays (4)
J G Rowbotham   
      in memory of Mrs M Rowbotham Outside steam castings (2)
JA Rowlands Steel stays (3)
J & A Preston, W Gwilt and  
   Royal British Legion, Alsager Branch Steel stays (10)
R Sant Sandbox neck
S Sant Crest / badge artwork
J Sandiford Smokebox door
G D Scanlan Small boiler tubes (3)
  Steel stays (10)
E Sekine Palm stay (1)
C Sherratt Copper stays (5)
  3 metres of copper pipe and 2 steel stays
  1 length of copper pipe, steel stays (2)
W R Sherriff Crown stay (1), transverse stay (1), valve end cover (1)
  Rivets (8)
  Tender chassis rivet (1), Copper stays (1)
R Shortland Copper stay (1), steel stay (1)
P Sikes Crown stays (4)
  Crest/badge development
J S Silcock Small tubes (10)
  Copper firebox stays (10)
D A Silkstone Copper stays (5)
  Crown stays (2)
  Crown stays (2)
  Rivets (4)
  Brake cylinder mounting studs (2)
  Copper stays (5)
  Tender chassis rivets (4)
  Crown stays (2)
J Simpson Small boiler tubes (4)
  Cylinder bolt
  Steel stays (16)
  Rear sandboxes (2)
  Palm stay castings (2)
  Steel stays (10)
  Copper stays (17)
  Steel stays (10)
  Crown stays (4)
  Rivets (30)
M Simpson Machine brake hanger
  Crown stays (3), steel stay (1)
M N Simpson Crown stay (1)
D Singleton Rivets (10), Steel stays (36), copper stays (5), small tube (1)
A Smith 1 length of copper pipe
A Smith - see D Cain  
I Smith Bolt (1)
  Copper boiler stay (1)
  Rivets (3)
K Smith Copper stay (1), steel stays (2)
K A Smith Small boiler tube (1)
M Smith Large boiler tubes (3)
  Cylinder lining casting (1)
P J Smith Copper stays (5)
  Sandbox lids (2)
V & E Smith (Misses) Crown stays (2)
  Copper stays (5)
  Bolt (1)
  Machine brake hanger, steel stays (2), bolts (2)
  Bogie axlebox pattern
  Outside steam pipe casting
  Rivets (8)
  Buffers (2)
  Nameplate and crest
R Smithies Reverser wheel casting
  Valve lining casting (1)
D Smithson Bolt (1)
  Copper crown stay (1)
M Smithson Copper crown stay (1)
B L Speake  
      In memory of W R B Speake Longitudinal stay (1)
G B Spencer Small boiler tube (1)
R T Spybey Copper stays (5)
M Staff & J Watchman Small boiler tube (2)
P J Stanbridge Small boiler tubes(6)
R S Standen Copper stay (1)
  Oil box (1)
  Steel stay (1)
  Steel stays
  Rivets (2)
  Steel stays (5)
  Crown stay (1)
  Brake cylinder stud (1)
  Lubrication pipe clip (1)
J Stanek Crown stay (2)
  Lubrication system pipe clips (2)
Herbert Stanton Trust Steel stays (6)
P Steele Rivet (1)
J Storey Copper stays (2)
Stratford & Broadway Railway Trust Cylinder and valve cover casting
A Strathie  
    in memory of John "Jack" Strathie 2 Machine Bogie Wheels
J Stretton Nameplate splashers
S N Studham Tender chassis rivets (4)
D Styles Small boiler tubes (6)
A Sumner Copper stays (4)
C Tasker Buffers (2)
R Taylor Driving sandbox (1)
R J A Taylor Fusible plugs (4)
  3 metres copper pipe
  Brake gear fitting (2)
I W Thomas Rivets (3)
  Steel stays (2)
R M Thomas Crown stays (10)
  Crown stay (1)
  £5 rivets (3), tender chassis rivet (1)
  Rivets (4)
  Copper stays (2), steel stays (2)
  Stretcher pattern (1), crown stay (1)
  Driving wheel horn guide
  Rivets (4)
  Rivets (8)
  Copper stay (1)
  Brake cylinder stud (1)
  Rivets (16)
  Lubrication system pipe clip (1)
P Thompson Small boiler tube (1) rivet (1)
S Thorp Spring hanger casting
  Front valve dyed casting
  Valve crosshead bracket casting
  Crown stay (1)
  Brake gear fittings (2)
R Tibbits 2 lengths of copper pipe
D Tollitt Small boiler tube (1) rivets (3) 
  Brake gear fittings
B Tomlinson Rivets (2)
E P Tromans Steel stays (3)
  3 metres of copper pipe
J Turner Small boiler tubes (10)
  Copper stays (20)
L H Turner Steel stays (4)
  1 length of copper pipe
R Turner Rivets (8), 3 metres copper pipe
  Rivets (4)
  Tender chassis rivets (2)
  Rivets (4)
  Tender chassis rivet (1)
  Steel stays (4)
J Tyrrell Copper stays (2)
W Twiss Leading sandbox (1)
A Vassili Brake gear fitting
M & R Vaughan Rivets supply and fit (2)
M J Wakefield Copper stay (1)
A J Walker Copper stays (9) steel stays (10)
D G Walker Copper stays (2)
  Crown stay
  Spring hanger pin (1)
  Valve rod bush nut (1)
  Transverse stay (1)
K Walker Palm stays casting (3)
M Walker Rivets (3)
E Walsh Copper stay (1)
J Walter Copper stays (2)
R Ward Tender rear buffer beam material
M Warr Steel stay (1)
J Watchman (see M Staff)  
G S Webster Valve cover rear casting
  Crown stays (4)
  Leading sandbox
  Crown stays (2)
  Internal pipe run 
N Wellings Machining outside cylinders (2)
S Wells length of copper pipe
K West Casting of new crest
J Westall Large boiler tube
K D Westall Crank axle web (1)
P Westall Reverser wheel casting
R S Westman Copper stay (1)
K H Wheeldon Rivets (8)
R Whitby Crown stays (6)
D & K Whittle Copper stays (3)
R J Wilcox Copper stay (1), rivets (5)
  Steel stays (13)
  Rivets (6)
  3 metres of copper pipe
  Steel stays (3)
  Tender chassis rivet (1)
  Lubrication system pipe clip (1)
J P Wild Small boiler tube (1)
J Williams Steel stay (1)
P R Williams Piston (1)
  Dome / pattern, casting and machining
R L Williams Copper stays (10)
W J Wilson 3 metres of copper pipe
  1 Crown stay
E Winfield Eccentric half, copper stays (2), rivet (1)
  Valve cover rear pattern (1)
  Non return valves (2)
  Crossbeam bridle
  Rear valve cover pattern
  Crown stays (10)
  Palm stay castings (2)
  Crown stays (2)
  Crown stays (4)
  Valve end covers (2)
  Crown stays (8)
  Internal pipe run, crown stays (3)
  Copper stays (20)
  Brake cylinder mounting studs (5)
  Copper stays (10)
G Winkley Horn guides (2)
  Bogie frame plate
A C Wood Crown stays (4)
B R Woodward Outside big end bearing
  Big end bearing & No. 4 stretcher pattern
  Bogie cetntre pin machining
D Worthington £95 oil boxes (2)
  Boiler palm stays (2)
  Palm stays (2)
  Palm stays (3)
  Internal boiler pipe support
K Wright -  in memory of Copper stays (2) steel stay (1)
      C Wright Steel stays (5)
  Small boiler tube (2)
S Wright Small boiler tube (1)
M E Yarker Crown stays (3)
P Yarwood Fitted bolt for cylinders (1)
M Yeomans Rivets (100)


The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2024 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
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