Roll of Honour



Many people are involved in the creation of the 'The Unknown Warrior' and without them, the Project would not have progressed as far as it has. This Roll of Honour gratefully acknowledges the following.

They donated £150 or more in a single donation 

or more than £1,500 in total

Sponsorship of locomotive parts

8E Railway Company (The)
P. N. Ackley
S. Ackley
P Akrill
A Alder
Mrs D W Alder
D. Allen

C. Alliez
P & L Ansley-Watson
R M Appleby
C Ardy
P R W Ashworth
D S Atherton
C Baalham
F A Bagshaw
J. Baguley

D & M Bailey
C G Baldock
D L Bamford
R Bangs
D. J. Banks
I Barker
J. V. Barrowdale
K Barton
C Beech
R Bell
J.A. Bennett
J. I. Bennett
T Bentley-Jordan
G. Bentley
I Beveridge
M T Bibby
R. Billinge
E P Billups
B. J. Bloore
A. Bodlander
P. Boot
R Booth
P Boothman
G. Bottoms

T. Bradley
D. Bradshaw

R. Braithwaite

J. Bramley-Brown
A. Briddon
R. Briddon
M J Britton
J. Brooks
P Broughton
A.A. Brown
C. Brown
David Brown, EEC UK Ltd.
I Brown
R. J. Browne
D. Brudenell
T Brunt
A J Bryan
P. T. Bryant
D. Burgess
N Burgess
M. Burrows
Burton Railway Society
D Butler
T Butler
D. J. Cadden
J G Capey
D N Carter
R A H Casling
N. J. Chambers
A Chapman
M Chapman
R Chapman
D J Charlton
A B Charlwood
K Chestney
K. Chynoweth
I. Clark
P O J Clark
T Clowes
A P Cluley
G A Cockroft
M R Coles
I Collingwood
A. A. Collins
D H Collins
M F Collins
A. Collinson
I Collinson
N & S Collinson
B Colthorpe
P E Commons
S. P. Cook
S J Cooley
G M Coomer
Christopher Cooper
D Corker
J A Courtney
B A Cox
B Cox
N. A. Cox
G K L Cranstoun
B G Cross
M Cross
P. Cunningham
R Dalton
C Davies
M. Dean
J M Dench
I Dewsnap
K Dickens
P Dickins
R Dickinson (In Memory of)
A. C.& R.E Digby
Digitrains Limited
J. H. Dixon
J W Dixon
N Dixon
W James Dixon
P J Duncan
P Dunkley
M. & S. Dunn
P Dunn
T J Dye
G F Dyer
R Dyett
DPR Carriage Group
C East
J M Edwards
D T Eldridge
D E Ellerton
P D Elson
C Evans
J Evans
L M Evans & D Perry
Malcolm Evans
Michael Evans
N C Ewart
P S Excell
D. & H. Fakes
D. Farmer
Fastlok Engineering
R Field
K J Finnerty
A J Fisher
P Flint
D Ford
G Foster
G Frampton
M. Freelove (In Memory of)
Miss C. Y. French
B Friend
Galardds Limited
J A Gartside
A. G. Gilbert
J P Gill
Miss C. G. Gillard
P Gittins
D Gledhill
P. Gomm
M Gordon
A Graham
B Greally
T Grimshaw
L & G Green
J L Guise
J D Gwilliam
Haberdashers Arms Potato Club
R Hackshall
K Haigh
D J L Haines
C M Hake
C Hall
S. Hall
D. Halsey
R Hamilton
J. Hancock
D M Hancox
Harborough Railway Association
J S Hastings-Thomson
C Hayes
JAW Haylock
K Haynes
R Hellawell
P Helm
B J Hemming
G. Henshaw
Neil & Angela Heuting
A J Hewitt
C H Hewitt
J D Higham
A Hobbs
B Holland
M L Hollingworth
H Holt
Mr J. C. Hooper
R R Howl
Bill Hudson (In Memory of)
Michael Hudson
N & A Hueting
C Hughes
D B Hughes
D G Hughes
G. J. Hull
R Hulme
I. Hunter
J. D. Hutchinson
C Ignatowicz
A. & S. Inkle
Irving Memorial Trust
S & P G Ison
B P Jackson
T Jackson
A Jakeman
D W F James
P James
N Jarvis
B S Jennings
P Jervis
G Brian Johnson
J S Johnson
M Johnstone
M O Johnson
R I Johnstone
A C Jones
D Jones
J S Jones
J Julian
R Kearney
P Kelly
B Kennedy
P Kenyon
P Kershaw
P Kibble
A A King
N & K Kinsey
J Knight
D & J Knight
T D Kolisch
R Kyte
D Law
G Lawrence
T Lawrence
A Laws
J R Laws
G Leadbetter
H Leadbetter
K Leah
Dr J Lilley
P Limerick
L R Limmerick
S Lindsay
A S Lindsey
B Litherland
M Lockey
R Loffill
D Lowe
L R Lusby
W Maffey
B P Makin
D Manley
V Marchant
D Mark
George Marsh (in memory of)
J Marshall
D E Martin
P L Mason
G Massey
B Mathews
R Mathews
D P May
K Mayo
T Maynard
A McRae
R McGowan
J E Meadowcroft
H Medcalf
A Mercer
B D Mercer
S & G Merton
A Millard
P Millard
P Miller
G D Milsom
G Mitchell
T Mitchell
P Moody
A E Moore
D Moore
R Moorhouse
D Morris
Roy S Morris
L J Moss
D Mulholland
K Mulryan
N Mussett
D Nash
G Neaum
W Newbold
J Newman
D E Noden
M North
D Nugent
Nuneaton Railway Circle
 in Memory of Trevor Burdett
R K Oldham
P.J Orgill
A F Ormondroyd
D G Palfreyman
S Parker
M W Parkes
R T Parkes
R P Parr
H Pattenden
G Paulson
C F Pears
R Pearson
G Pearson
A Percy
C J Perkins
M Perkins
G C Perry
R S Petter
R Pettit
A C Petty - DC Kits/D&E Video
D J Phillips
J N Pickavance
D Pickersgill
A Pilkington
N D Pittman
M Plain
Mrs D Plevey
Michael A Poole
I B Povall
S J Pratt
B Proctor
C Proctor
A S Price
J Prytherch
J A Pymm
P Ramsey
J Randall
G H Redman
J M Rees
A L Reid
R Reidy
F C Renouf
M L Reynolds
A Rich
J R Rider
L W Ridler
R Riley
H O Roberts
G H Robinson
T Rogers
P R Roper
M A Rotheram
J G Rowbotham
M Rowbottom
P G Rowe
Rugby Model Engineering Club
J Sandiford
J Sansom
R Sant
S Sant

R Seyers
D A Shankland
C J Shell
G Shell
K Shell
C Sherratt
J R Sherratt
W Sherriff
A L Shortridge
R Sidwell & J Green
J Silcock
D A Silkstone
P Sikes
J S Silcock
K Simmons
P R Simmonds
J Simpson
J Skidmore
I H Smith
K A Smith
M Smith
Mike Smith
R Smithies
W D Smyth
M B Southcott
Mrs B Speake
P Spencer
R F Spencer
R Spybey
G Stacey
P Stanbridge
J Stanek
K A Starbuck
M Stephenson
R Stevens
T Stevens
R J Stitson
A Strathie in memory of John "Jack" Strathie
J M Stretton
A W Sumner
R Sweet
R A Symmons
C Tasker
A Taylor
R Taylor
R J A Taylor
S Taylor
T Taylor
K Taylorson
I Temple
G P Thomas
R M Thomas
C Thompson
A Thomson
S Thornborough
Thorncombe Rail Activities Club
S Thorp
P & S Tilbury
D J Tollitt
B Topping
E P Tromans
D Trubshaw
D Tuffin
J & C Turner
J W Turner
P D Turner
R Turner
W Twiss
Thomas H Viccars 1920-2013
M Vorndran
A J Walker
D G Walker
G R Walker
K Walker
R Walker
A Wall
D R Wallis
N J Walton
G Walton-Binns
G Ward
R Ward
S Ward
D Wardill
Warwickshire Railway Society
G S Webster
N Wellings
G Wells, 247 Developments
R B Wells
K West
D Westall
J Westall
R Whitby
P J P White
V H White
V R Whitehead (in memory of)
P Whitfield
K Whittaker
J P Wild
P R Williams
P M Williams
M T Willis
P J Wilson
R B Wilson
J K Windle
E Winfield
G Winkley
M Winters
C Wolfson
Dr. P Wood
R M Wood
B R Woodward
M Woodward
A V Woolley
D Woolley
D Worthington
J Wright
P Wright
M Yeomans

The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
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