Next steps for the locomotive build

At the 2018 AGM on November 10th David Bradshaw outlined the way forward for the locomotive build.

Earlier in the year the Board decided to put the completion of the locomotive chassis out to tender. This followed a challenging period in our relationship with Llanrail Engineering. Four contractors have expressed interest: Railway Forgings and Castings,  Tyseley Locomotive Works, Riley and Son Engineering Bury, and the Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust at Swanwick Junction Midland Railway. Alongside the tendering process, we are reviewing whether completing the build directly with our own competent resources is feasible.

To facilitate the tendering process, we have arranged an independent assessment of the status and quality of the locomotive build up to the present point. This has been completed.

The project team has been working hard in recent weeks to put together the invitation to tender documentation, and it is anticipated that it will be ready for issue early in the New Year.  We will keep you briefed on progress with this.  The formal invitation to tender - the first step in the process - was issued on 21 December 2018.

Separately, a work programme is being established with our new contractor Leaky Finders which should see the tender chassis complete by mid – 2019. Two other companies have been asked to quote for the construction of a new tender tank.

In the meantime we are pleased to welcome on board Keith Riches as our Project Manager for the completion of the chassis. This is a major strengthening of our team for this critical stage of the build.

The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
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