Members Monthly Bulletin August 2023

This Bulletin is an update on developments since The Warrior magazine went to press in mid- August.


There has been no further work at West Shed since July. Further drawings have been produced to allow off-site work to continue at Riley and Son.

 On-site meetings have now been arranged in the first week of October with two parties Tyseley Locomotive Works and CTL Seal Sheffield who have expressed interest in providing a new construction base for 5551.

 Meanwhile a first discussion took place in late August with PRCLT on the way forward - the dialogue will continue after their AGM in September.


As the latest Warrior is due to hit your doormat/inbox shortly here are some Treasurer’s Titbits relating to income which came too late for inclusion.

·      The donation of £2.000 mentioned in June’s bulletin arrived in our account in early July.

·      Recycley4Charity has contributed £17.75 for the month of July.

·      The sale of some scrap metal raised £1036.30.

·      We received £54.97 from Easyfundraising for quarter 2.

And finally:

·      We’ve received £835.07 in donations made at the funeral of an individual who was not a member. However, his daughter contacted us to say that he was given a painting of a Patriot when he retired, and the family found a few items from our Project clothing range. After some research into the Project, she asked for donations in memory of him raised some very welcome unexpected and unbudgeted funds.


Hot off the press!  The 2024 Patriot Project calendars have arrived. This year we have sourced some coloured monochrome images of LMS locos in the company’s heyday so you can get a good idea of how the railway scene looked to the which naked eye back in the day.  To order your copy please go to our website or contact the office. We attended the Soar Valley Model Railway Exhibition at Loughborough Grammar School in July and had a most successful weekend with a good nett profit, thanks mainly to a significant quantity of good quality models from a generous donor. If you have any model items you would like to donate please contact

Our next event is The Gauge 0 Guild Exhibition at Bingley Hall, Stafford on the 2nd and 3rd September where we will also be a fortnight later for The Stafford Railway Circle show.


Legal documents are being prepared with a view to taking an available room within the Civic Centre in Stafford. If all goes smoothly, we hope to move in the next few weeks.  The office will effectively be closed all through September but Linda will deal with as much as she can from home, so please bear with us during this time. Once we have the new postal address the website will be updated; meanwhile, you can still use The Hub address.

The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber