
An independent competent review has supported our decision to replace the driving wheels rather than attempting repair.

Our driving wheels are now at Boro Foundry for examination: we and the Foundry are cooperating on the provision of information about the engineering history of the wheels to establsih the cause of the defects.

The PRCLT chassis assessment was reviewed in August.  Issues were agreed with the preparation of frame surfaces for the attachment of components and the fixings used. There is more on this in The Warrior: we are finalising the detail of the remedial work with PRCLT and have started work on the forward programme implications.

Work at West Shed has continued to be limited by the overhaul of 6233. The latest news is that this is now expected to be complete at the end of September. However PRCLT have made a start on detaching components such as the cylinders in preparation for the remedial work.

The Warrior

Issue 50 contains the latest details concerning 5551 as well as many features that have been sent in over the last 3 months. Accompanying the magazine will be the Report & Accounts booklet along with the AGM Calling Notice. The AGM will take place at Kidderminster Railway Museum on Saturday 13th November beginning at 1.00pm.  Rather than mailing the booklet separately, we’re combining it with the posting of the August magazine to save a considerable amount of money in postage costs.

Annual Raffle 

If you have not yet sent in your raffle ticket stubs please do so.  Thank you very much for the impressive £4325 which you’ve raised so far.  Please, if you can, pay by bank transfer, quoting your URN number and either ‘Grand Draw’ or ‘Raffle’, or by card via the website, or by calling 07801 945689, our dedicated Patriot mobile number until we can get back into the office more permanently. Our volunteer Office Manager, Linda, is always delighted to talk to you.  Cheques, too, are always welcome, despite the punitively high bank charges for processing them.

Chassis Update video 

A video which Andrew Kennedy from Oakwood Visuals filmed at West Shed in May, featuring our Chairman and Simon Scott talking about the status of the project,  is now available on The LMS-Patriot Project YouTube site. Please click on to subscribe to our YouTube Channel, and click Like, or make comments.



The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber