
The major news this month concerns our driving wheels. We reported last month that they had to be tested after defects had been found in one wheel. The shot-blasting required for testing purposes was completed around the end of May, and the inspection itself was completed on June 14th.

The inspection was carried out by British Engineering Services (BES), using magnetic particle testing (MPI). Three members of our team attended at Riley and Son to witness the testing, joined by a senior representative from Boro Foundry who cast the wheels in 2010/11.   

We have just received the formal BES report, which confirms that all the five wheels tested have widespread serious cracking. 

This has very significant consequences for the project and we are currently working on our options, with the support of PRCLT, our Certification Body Ricardo, and Boro Foundry, who share our urgent concern to understand the cause and confirm the way forward.  However, all the indications are that the wheels will have to be replaced. 

Otherwise, work at West Shed continues to be limited by PRCLT’s need to allocate resources to 6233’s overhaul. However the valve chest alignment has been completed and other small fixings have been produced on site by PRCLT. 

Steady progress has continued with the vital technical assessment and quality assurance review we have started with PRCLT.


 We’re very grateful to those members who have responded to our request to pay for raffle tickets by bank transfer.  Cheque payments last year incurred a 3-figure bank charge which would probably have at least doubled this year, our bank having substantially reduced the number of cheques paid in monthly that qualify for free banking. We do recognise that for some a cheque is a long-standing modus operandi which will not change; if that is the case then we are, of course, happy to receive them.  If you do pay by bank transfer, please quote your URN number together with the purpose of your payment, e.g., raffle, donation, sponsorship, membership etc, this will enable us to allocate your payment to the correct area more quickly.

Office contact  

The main office phone line has been out of order for several days. As this is quoted on our raffle draw tickets we apologise if you were not able to get through. It should be fixed by now but as the volunteers have not yet returned to working in the office it is best if you contact us though the temporary number 07801945689.



The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber