Our West Shed colleagues went back to work on August 3rd.  Since then, alongside various smaller engineering tasks, PRCLT have been carrying out thorough engineering assessments of principal Unknown Warrior components that are critical to the sequence of the locomotive build. These include the bogie, the driving wheels with weld repairs, and the motion components which have been transported to West Shed from Statfold Barn this month.  The assessments are identifying all outstanding design and construction issues and the quality certification requirements for these subsystems.

The LMS-Patriot Engineering team held a face-to-face meeting at West Shed on 25th August with PRCLT (the first in nearly 6 months) and had a constructive initial discussion on what was required. Specific actions have been agreed. We will report progress in the next monthly bulletin.

We have previously reported that boiler work has been paused at HBSS for financial reasons. As it is now necessary to move the boiler from its present workshop location at HBSS, we have agreed a programme of work with HBSS to secure the boiler stays and take other steps to ensure its safe movement.

Slightly later than expected, Issue 46 of The Warrior will be mailed out next week. With this edition you will be receiving books of raffle tickets: with our much reduced sales stand activity this year they take on an added significance on the fund-raising front.

Also on the fund-raising front we are introducing the '5551 Club' where for the princely sum of £55.51 you will be in with a chance to be on the first train hauled by The Unknown Warrior. We very much hope this initiative will raise significant funds to complete the chassis.  Full details can be found in The Warrior. In the Finance and Engineering reports we are trialling two 'at a glance' progress guides and would appreciate your feedback on these.

Income for August was £25K; six lenders were contacted about the interest due on their boiler loans, In one case, for the second time this year, the lender donated the interest back to the Project and the loan was converted into a donation, too. We are very grateful to this member for this generosity.

Although not much has been happening on the sales front, web/postal sales have continued to tick over.  However, were out in force this month at an event at the Statfold Barn Railway. Takings were modest but it was good to be out in public again, preaching our ‘gospel’.  For those of you who were unable to be there, we’ll be there again on the weekend 12th and 13th September – please come and say hello.

The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber