February 2020 Progress Report
Our finances received a welcome boost in the quarter ended 31 December when income exceeded the combined total of the previous two quarters despite our being asked to repay a large short-term loan, plus interest, at the end of November. Our particular thanks go to two members who provided short-term loans totalling £70K, which were in addition to the best quarterly total for one-off donations for 12 months, amounting to £85K. We very much appreciate this demonstration of members’ confidence in our ability to finish the job – your generosity makes us more determined than ever to justify your support.
Accrued boiler-loan interest payments started to become due with effect from last month and we are very gratified to see that the majority of lenders whose interest has become due have chosen to donate all or part of it back to the Project, generating a further £300 in Gift Aid.
The Engineering team have continued to work closely with the PRCLT engineers to plan how best to progress the build to the highest standard to ensure that the locomotive will be fit for main-line running without the need for retrospective modifications.
The team have visited a number of contractors to monitor progress and quality: in particular Leaky Finders and Roach Engineering. Work at the former on the tender frames is at an advanced stage. Completion, including painting, is expected by the end of March, following which a programme will be agreed to fit the wheels and brakes.
Roach are close to completing the Reverser Shaft Assembly; we expect to take delivery before the end of March. Machining of the Heater Header is underway; once completed, it will be prepared for testing. We’ve taken delivery of the recast rear cylinder covers and estimates for machining are being sought.
At Heritage Boiler Steam Services, fitting of the crinolines is continuing and the copper stays are being tooled. The newly-cast dome has been successfully tested and will shortly be with HBSS for fitting.
The sales stand has been out and about, most recently at the Great Central and the Milton Keynes model show. Donations, particularly of railwayana, are always welcome – click here for details of where you can find us in the coming months.
We continue to make presentations to interested groups and societies around the country; invitations are always welcome.
Finally, in case anyone is unaware, we’re very proud and pleased that at the recent HRA Awards Ceremony (also known as The Oscars of Heritage Rail), The Warrior received the award for Communication. Pete Sikes, Kevin West and Andy Collinson attended the event on our behalf. We’re most grateful to all those members who have contributed to the magazine, adding significantly to its appeal: please continue to do so.