Engineering Update 61

The following update was shared with members in issue 61 of The Warrior, our magazine for members, shortly after the successful move to Tyseley.

Main Frame Assembly

The locomotive chassis remains sheeted over by the turntable at Tyseley, awaiting room in the workshop which is expected to happen by the time you read this edition of The Warrior.

Component Move To Tyseley

Following on from the successful operation to move the frames over to Tyseley the project then arranged for the final move of components and our two storage containers from West Shed to Tyseley, this took place on 25th March. As you can see from these pictures there were an awful lot of parts to move with a late finish for all those concerned.

Components on low loader Loading components at West Shed
Components being relocated Container being moved

A happy team at West Shed as the final batch of components are loaded ready for delivery to Tyseley Locomotive Works.


A long day concludes with the locking of the containers as all components are stored safely at Tyseley.

Part of the move involved the separate safe storage of all the smaller brass components while the main move took place. These valuable parts were given short term secure storage in several domestic locations by team members, but have now been relocated to Tyseley.

Brass parts being moved


Subsequent to resin impregnation the cylinders have passed pressure testing and are now relocated back to Riley’s. The cylinder bores have been machined true, the machining of the liners will commence over the coming weeks. Progress will be reported in the monthly bulletins and The Warrior.

Driving Wheels

The driving wheels are at Riley’s and discussions are ongoing with regards to the next phase of work. Progress will be reported in the monthly bulletins and The Warrior.


Work is progressing on the boiler at HBSS. The riveting of the crown and fitting of the crown stays are now completed. The boiler is now back in the workshop and work is progressing on internal fitment of the pipe runs and fitting of the palm stays. The boiler has been laid on its side and this will give HBSS the opportunity to complete the foundation ring and fit the longitudinal stays. The following pictures show the boiler being lifted, some details shots of work in progress and then in position in the workshop.

(Top left) The boiler being lifted before moving back into the workshop.
(Top right) Boiler back in the workshop showing the Crown Stays in place.
(Left) Internal pipework installed.
(Above) Palm Stays being fitted.

(Top left and right) Images from inside the boiler showing detail work that has taken place.
The boiler in position inside the HBSS workshop.

Update compiled by Kevin West, Design Engineer and Keith Riches, Project Director

The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd. • Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
Registered in England & Wales No. 6502248 • Registered Charity No. 1123521
Tel 01785 244156
All content copyright ©2025 The LMS-Patriot Company Ltd.
website by amber