Engineering Update - March 2014
Locomotive Frame Assembly
Work continues at Tyseley Locomotive Works on preparing to fit the axleboxes into the main frame. All the Horn Guides are now ground and the frame assembly has been measured to determine how much to machine from each axlebox to get the axle centre in the correct position. The Axleboxes themselves have had all the remaining oil holes and fixing holes for the brasses machined in. The brasses are ready to be pressed in over the next couple of days. The journals will them be machined to the size of the axle and the bronze wearing faces machined to the sizes determined from the frame assy. Then the frame assembly will be lifted onto the wheelsets and axleboxes.
Before that can happen, the wheelsets need to have the balance weights filled with lead. Unfortunately we are still waiting for delivery of this from the supplier, despite several reports that it is to hand. At present we expect the completed wheeled chassis to return to Llangollen by the end of April, but all depends on the delivery of the lead.
Inside Cylinder Casting
The machining of the Inside Cylinder Casting has been completed at Harco Engineering; Brierley Hill is due to be delivered to Llangollen on 2nd April, ready for fitment into the frame assembly on its return from Tyseley.
The Outside Motion Brackets and Smokebox Base Side castings have also been finished machined and will move to Llangollen with the cylinder casting.
Outside Cylinder Castings
The pattern for the first Outside Cylinder Casting was completed in mid March and is due to be delivered to the foundry in early April. We expected this to be cast by the end of the month.
The second pattern will be started and taken to a stage where modification, if required after the first has been cast, will be possible. It is planned at present for the second cylinder to be cast in May.
Discussions are ongoing for the machining of these castings.
Work continues on several fronts on the components for the bogie.
Boro Foundry have finished the machining of the Bogie Centre Casting and the part has now been delivered to Tyseley.
The Bogie Centre Slide Casting is waiting for the final machining operations to be completed. This is the final casting to be machined for the bogie assembly; all the Horn Guides and Side Control Spring Mounts have been completed for a while.
It is anticipated that all the parts being delivered to Tyseley by the end of April. Assembly of the bogie is to start in the second half of the year.
Detailed drawings for the copper Inner Firebox flanged plate have been delivered to LNWR,Creweto enable a start to be made on the forming blocks for these plates. Next parts requiring drawings are the Foundation Ring and Inner Firebox Wrapper.
An order is about to be placed with Tyseley Locomotive Works for the Outer Firebox Throatplate and the Doorplates. These steel plates are probably the most complex formed plates on the boiler. Delivery to LNWR Heritage, Crewe is expected around the end of the year.
The design for the new tender tank with revised coal space and increased water capacity is progressing.
3D CAD models for replacement cylinder patterns have been completed for our colleagues at the Strathspey Railway. Some checking is required as the cylinders are of an early design and the only drawings available are of a later type. One of the original cylinders has been moved to Harco Engineering, who have been awarded the contract to machine the new cylinders, for some detailed measurements to be made before the patterns will be made.